The V.C of the Peradeniya has banned all student union meetings.

The Vice-Chancellor has informed the President of the General Students’ Union and all the Presidents of the Faculty Students’ Unions of the University of Peradeniya that the University of Peradeniya have been completely banned from holding studant meetings for a period of one week.

The relevant letter has also informed that disciplinary action will be taken against all those who act against this.

The Inter-University Students’ Federation has issued a statement protesting in this regard.

It states that the decision taken by the Vice-Chancellor to suspend the convening of the Peradeniya General Students’ Union and Faculty Students’ Unions for a period of one week from 15/01/2025 is arbitrary.

The statement said that such incidents demonstrate the loss of student freedom at the University of Peradeniya and that the Vice-Chancellor has violated the right of students to form student unions, a right granted to students by the University Act.

The statement said that such actions by the administration serve the interests of the current governments, and that a few days ago, the university administration banned a lecture organized by a certain political organization, saying that the lecture was organized under a topic that criticized the government.