It is reported that the police had to be called to the scene due to unrest at Pannipitiya Dharmapala Vidyalaya, a center for evaluating A/L exam answer sheets.
The principal of Pannipitiya Dharmapala Vidyalaya has refused to let the female teachers who were checking the answer sheets enter the school gate because they did not come dressed in sarees. Due to the heated situation that arose as a result, the police were even called to the scene and finally the Commissioner General of Examinations has closed the examination center for three days.
The teachers say that the principal has no responsibility in this regard as the evaluation of the exam answer sheets is not an academic activity of a school but a task carried out under the Commissioner of Examinations. The principal is of the opinion that the female teachers should enter the school premises wearing sarees since it is a school day.
Making a statement in this regard, Ceylon Teachers’ Union General Secretary Joseph Stalin says that if the Commissioner General of Examinations and the Secretary of Education do not immediately intervene and take appropriate action, immediate action will have to be taken.