Janatha Vimukti Peramuna leader MP Anura Dissanayake’s visit to Australia is creating controversial news in the political arena. The political critics of the JVP usually say that the behavior and actions of the JVP leader and its front-line leaders are always contrary to their political philosophy and ideas. Speaking to the Kasbewa Constituency Committee of the Podujana Peramuna recently, MP Rohitha Abeygunawardena also said the same.
During Anura Kumara Dissanayake’s recent visit to Australia, he said that he could not understand how traveling in business class is compatible with the political philosophy they often say.
“Some members of the JVP say that even the pants they are wearing were given by a brother of the party. But they choose the business class which charges the highest price for their foreign trips. Their behavior is an insult to the party members who are suffering to form a JVP government in the rural provinces,” Rohitha Abeygunawardena MP said there.
He added that JVP, which destroyed enterprises, destroying Sri Lanka’s economy and burning properties worth billions. went to Australia and talked about how to build the economy. It was the best joke seen in recent times.