A group of MPs including Dallas Alahapperuma, Professor G.L. Peiris, came to the Asgiri Maha Vihara today to inform the Maha Sangha about the harmful clauses in the proposed Anti-Terrorism Bill.
Reverend Anamaduve Dhammadassi Thero, the Anunayaka of the Asgiri faction, who commented on the new act, said that no government can allow the people to suffer through unrestricted freedom. He also pointed out that it is the government’s responsibility to protect the law of the country and that a government has to make certain decisions.
Commenting further, he said as follows. ”Looking at the basic expectations here, it cannot be said that some things are inappropriate at once. There is also the question of whether a government can allow all of these problems if the country goes to enjoy more than freedom and creates various problems for the government and the people. Otherwise, a government cannot be formed. A government has to follow certain measures to protect the law of the country and run the government. Now we know very well that you are not on the side of the government. we also accept that there is a need to renew and correct some measures for the security of the country’s governance and for certain obstacles of anti-statecraft and problematic situations.