A floating port from America to Gaza

America has decided to build a temporary port off the coast of Gaza. The BBC website…

Two Sri Lankans on the ship attacked by Huthi. ?

The Indian warship INS Kolkata has rescued 21 crew members of the ship ‘True Confidence’ which…

Israeli jets launch a series of attacks on a Lebanese city.

The Lebanese state media said that Israeli warplanes have launched a series of airstrikes on a…

Apple halts electric car project

According to the report, the project launched by Apple to produce an electric car has been…

America wins the moon again . ( vedio)

Man stepped on the moon 55 years ago. It was July 1969. Then some people went…

Prime Minister of India in a Pooja at the bottom of the sea for Lord Krishna.

It is reported that Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modhi joined a special Deva Pooja yesterday. The…

Australian citizenship for Dilshan, who introduced Dilscoop to the world…

Former Sri Lankan all-rounder Thilakarathne Dilshan has received Australian citizenship, Australian MP Jason Wood has confirmed…

A pork flavored coffee drink from China…

A new drink from China has been introduced to mark the Lunar New Year. The new…

A special agreement is signed between Sri Lanka and Israel

The Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Aviation has announced that the agreement for starting direct flights…

A helicopter carrying American soldiers is missing

Foreign media reports that an American helicopter that was flying from Las Vegas to California has…