The People of North and South Should Unite to Rebuild the Fallen Nation – Minister Manusha Nanayakkara in Jaffna

Minister of Labor and Foreign Employment Manusha Nanayakkara today said that the government is working hard to rebuild the fallen country while treating all equally regardless of caste, religion, color and party, and stressed that the people of both North and South should unite and support this effort irrespective of differences.
He said this while speaking to the media after observing the preparations for Glocal Fair 2023, which is implemented by the Ministry of Labor and Foreign Employment and will be held at the Muttraveli Stadium in Jaffna on the 15th and 16th July.
The Minister went onto say that this was the first ‘Glocal Fair’ following the successful conclusion of a preliminary trial program in Galle.
He stressed that the first ‘Glocal Fair’ in Jaffna showcase in practice, that reconciliation does not only take place on the days of the Human Rights Council sessions.
“We are one country, one nation. We don’t have any differences such as caste, religion, color and party. We are all one nation. As a government, we invite all to join hands in our journey irrespective of differences to rebuild the country. We are in North today and we urge the people to forget differences and party politics and support our efforts. Forget religious differences, caste differences. We all are Sri Lankan’s. What we want is to treat all people equally and provide equal opportunities” the Minister said.

Minister Nanayakkara further said that ‘Glocal Fair’ in Jaffna will bring under one roof, all the institutions of the Ministry of Labor and Foreign Employment. It will be supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Education and the Central Bank.
“We have made arrangements to provide all solutions to labor related matters faced by the public in the north, in their area itself, without them having to come to Colombo. The ‘Glocal Fair’ in Jaffna will bring all relevant ministries and institutions related to labor matters under one roof and will provide the people with solutions” the Minister added.

He further said, “the word ‘Glocal’ has been created combining the words, Global and Local. We are trying to blend both local and global opportunities. Here, public can get information related to both local and foreign employment and job oriented training. Also consular work of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and any other related services will be available here”.

The Minister explaining details about new initiatives by his ministry said the Sri Lanka Bureau of Foreign Employment (SLBFE) has started a mobile service which is providing awareness on all foreign employment related matters at village level.
Speaking about Glocal Fair in Jaffna he said that it was a unique event in the sense that this was the first time a Ministry with support from other stakeholders is imparting its full services in the outstations at a regional level.

“Regardless of race, religion, caste, color or party, the government is united to rebuild the fallen country. Only southerners can’t work for it. All of us in the north and the south, irrespective of differences, should work hard for it. All of us in the north and south must work together to rebuild the country. For that purpose, this program will be implemented on the 15th and 16th. Also musical shows will be held at night on both days. We invite everyone to join us” the Minister said.

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