The lawyer who created a fake deed was jailed for 8 years

Colombo High Court Judge Aditya Patabandi has sentenced a lawyer who was found guilty of fraudulently preparing land deeds to 08 years imprisonment with hard labour.

It is stated that the Magistrate who sentenced the accused to 04 years imprisonment for one charge and 08 years compulsory hard labor for the two charges has also fined the accused 20,000/- rupees.

The judge has decided that the prosecution has proved beyond reasonable doubt that the accused lawyer has fraudulently prepared deeds for a land by using a notary license of a dead lawyer, despite being temporarily suspended from the practice of law by the Supreme Court for a period of 10 years.

The senior government lawyer Mr. Lishan Ratnayana, who appeared for the prosecution, accepted the request of Mr. Lishan Rathnayana, who appeared for the prosecution, that the society is in great decline due to the crimes committed by people who know the law, so as to serve as a lesson to other people who commit such crimes.