Ten Thousand leave Army within Two Weeks

It is reported that nearly 10,000 soldiers have been legally released from Sri Lanka Army, during the general amnesty announced by the Ministry of Defense

Under the order of the Ministry of Defence, the Sri Lankan Army has declared a general amnesty from April 20, May 20 allowing all non-members to officially retire from their service. During this periode opportunity were given to those who left the Army to leave legally by coordination with their regimental headquarters . .

Accordingly, by the end of the first two weeks of the amnesty period (between April 20, 2024 and May 4, 2024), 9,735 military personnel who were absent without leave on or before December 31, 2023, have been released from service.

Army sources say that among those who left the service legally, there are 35 soldiers who left the army and are currently abroad.

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