Expatriate workers sent $1.8 billion in the first four months of this year

Labor and Foreign Employment Minister Manusha Nanayakkara states that the amount of remittances sent by expatriate workers to Sri Lanka has exceeded 1.8 billion US dollars in the first four months of this year.

In a Twitter message, it was mentioned that in the first four months of this year, expatriate workers sent 1867.2 million dollars to the country and in the month of April alone, they sent 454 million dollars, which is an increase of 82.4 percent when compared to the month of April last year.

Also, in January of this year, expatriate workers sent 427.5 million dollars, which is a growth of 68.8 percent. The 407.4 million dollars sent by expatriate workers in February is an increase of 98.6 percent compared to February of last year.

Last March, expatriate workers sent 568.3 million dollars. It is a growth of 78.5 percent compared to last year.

The Minister has further informed through his Twitter messages that arrangements are currently being made to provide vehicle import permits for expatriate workers who send money to Sri Lanka through legal means, and to increase the duty concessions provided at the airport.

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