Dr. Vijith Gunasekara, C. E. O. of the N.M.R.A was sacked

It is reported that the Chief Executive Officer of the National Medicines Regulatory Authority (NMRA) Dr. Vijith Gunasekara has been removed from that position. Reliable sources say that he was removed based on a collective decision taken by the board members of NMRA.

Dr. Gunasekara got into a lot of controversy because he allowed the import of substandard human immunoglobulin (IVIG) using fake documents.

Thus, the court imposed a foreign travel ban on Dr. Vijith Gunasekara, Director of Supply Division of the Ministry of Health, Dr. Kapila Wickramanayake and the owner of the company who prepared false documents to import the substandard vaccine.

Meanwhile, Dr. Vijith Gunasekara has recently been accused by the Government Pharmacists Association of destroying many important documents taken under the care of NMRA. Even then, the Minister of Health had asked Dr. Vijith Gunasekera to resign, but he refused to do so.

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