Russia stands for Karnagoda.

Russia expresses its displeasure regarding the sanctions imposed by America on Wasantha Karnagoda, a former naval…

Seven women sexually assault a monk over a caste issue.(Video)

Seven women sexually assaulted budhist, who residing at Nikaverati Kotavehera Weeradadana ”Metsandha” Viharaya. The chif imcumbant…

Duty relief given to the Expatriate workers at the airport will be increased from May 1

Manusha Nanayakkara, Minister of Labor and Foreign Employment, says that the increase in customs duty concessions…

Kusal and Madushka score double centuries in second Test against Ireland

The Sri Lankan players who are playing the first innings of the second test match between…

The Police Commission accepts Ajith Rohana’s objection. Cancels the transfer.

The National Police Commission has decided to cancel the transfer of Senior Deputy Inspector General of…

Two more companies will join the petroleum trade from June

Sinopec Company has expressed its agreement to start operations within 45 days after signing the agreement…

No charmara… no account… no bank

It is reported that the Criminal Investigation Department has still not been able to find any…

Tolls on the expressway will increase

A special gazette notice has been issued regarding the increase in service charges on highways. The…

Wasantha Karnagoda banned from America

The United States of America has imposed a ban on North West Province Governor, former Navy…

Vimal’s book is fiction – says the American ambassador

The American Ambassador to Sri Lanka, Julie Chung, has expressed her concern about the rejection of…