Sri Lanka is no longer a bankrupt state

President Ranil Wickramasinghe says that the Executive Committee of the International Monetary Fund has approved the…

Government shares in Telecom and Lanka Hospital will be sold

The cabinet has approved the sale of the government’s shareholding in Sri Lanka Telecom PLC and…

I.M.F credit facility Approval today

It is reported that the approval of the Executive Committee of the International Monetary Fund for…

340 local government bodies will be dissolved from midnight today.

Apart from the late established Elpitiya Pradeshiya Sabha, the tenure of the other 340 local government…

A breakdown at Norochchole power plant

It is reported that there has been a breakdown in the 3rd generator of Norochchole thermal…

Ballot papers will not be lent – says the Government printer.

Government printer Gangani Liyanage says that 20 crore rupees are needed for the postal ballot papers…

A warrant from the International Criminal Court to arrest Putin.

Foreign media are reporting that the International Criminal Court has issued warrants for the arrest of…

An unbeaten half-century in the battle of the lovers.

The 118th Mahinda Richmond Lovers’ Great Cricket encounter has started at the Galle International Cricket Stadium.…

90 days retention is permitted for harak kata and kudu salidhu

Police Media Spokesman’s Office states that Nadun Chintaka alias Harak Kata and Panadure Salidu Gunaratne alias…

A serious threat from Ranjan Jayalal to the government

'We will stop all the power plants…do whatever you can' and said that if all demands…