After the victory on the 21st, President Ranil Wickremesinghe will protect law and order

Manusha Nanayakkara said that after President Ranil Wickremesinghe wins the presidential election on the 21st, he will take steps to protect law and order in the country as the Defense Minister and Commander-in-Chief.

Speaking to the media this morning in Galle, Neluva, he said that there is no need for the government to make conspiracies after the election victory.

Manusha Nanayakkara, who further commented there, also said:

“Because we can’t go back to the era when the people of Rte suffered on the 21st, because we don’t want to suffer again, because we don’t want to take the country to the far side and a struggling situation again, because we remember the suffering the people went through two and a half years ago, we are waiting to take a wise decision on the 21st.

Two and a half years ago, the people of this country asked for these things when children were suffering and dying in queues without electricity, oil and gas. No leader came forward to provide even the minimum facilities requested by the people. They did not come forward because they were not able to do those things.

But only President Ranil Wickremesinghe understood the suffering of the people at that time. President Ranil Wickremesinghe took that risk and took decisions without fear. At that time we took a politically dangerous decision. We were told that they were hanged by political syenite. But we did it for our people. Within two and a half years, we were able to normalize the country by bringing oil and gas to the people. Our people remember that. There is salivation.

The President looked at the people who suffered when people died without gas, oil and medicine. If it is a mistake to look at people who have suffered in such a way, if it is a mistake to give oil, gas and medicines, you can vote against us. Without that, the people who are scornful of working to bring this country to a normal state will vote without fear.

The majority of people in this country know how to play sports. There are about three percent of those who do not know how to spit. There is a group that has destroyed this country every day, who have rejected the development projects of this country and have seen the country’s development as their own destruction. There are people who are fooled by those fairy tales. They went to the wave like that last time too. It seems that the same people are going to the wave this time as well. People saw what happened to the country when they went to Ralla last time. Looking at that, people take the decision they want to take.

The government does not need to make conspiracies for the people to win the election. We have put the security forces on high alert. There are reports on social media that those who have created fake rallies in the country can sometimes create riots inside the country when they are trying to get twenty to twenty five lakh votes. Mr. Ranil Wickramasinghe will take necessary steps to protect the peace of the country as the Defense Minister and Commander-in-Chief.

Election violence is wrong wherever it happens. When he said that he would not vote for Malima, he was hit with a helmet. The law should be implemented against these.

Geeta Kumarasinghe is a good woman. It is said that she loves the former president very much. But she is working to gather all the United National Party members for the President.

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