State Minister Diana Gamage will lose her parliamentary seat.

The Supreme Court ruled today that State Minister Diana Gamage is unfit to hold a position…

Army Commander sues YouTube for insulting him

Army Commander Vikum Liyanage has filed a case before the Colombo Chief Magistrate’s Court yesterday (07)…

The petition against giving the Nuwara Eliya post office to India will be considered on August 5

The Court of Appeal today ordered to call on August 5th to consider the facts of…

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu gets stuck in a political trap

It is reported that the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is under serious pressure due to…

The light rail project is delayed

The Deputy General Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan said that the resumption…

A complaint that the visa issue is a political conspiracy

It is reported that VFS Global, which has been involved in controversy regarding the issuance of…

The arrival of tourists decreases in the month of April.

The data of the Sri Lanka Tourism Development Authority (SLTDA) states that the number of tourists…

Buddhist Federation stands against homosexuality

The All Ceylon Buddhist Federation states that it is ready to submit a bill to the…

The four-day ‘Halembawewa’ farmers’ fast ended with the intervention of Minister Manusha.

Yesterday, the farmer organization agreed to end the four-day hunger strike of the chairman of the…

Ten Thousand leave Army within Two Weeks

It is reported that nearly 10,000 soldiers have been legally released from Sri Lanka Army, during…