Trains service stops between Mahava-Anuradhapura

The railway department says that the Mahawa-Anuradhapura section of the Northern Railway will be closed for a period of six months from today (07).

Deputy General Manager of Railways N. J. Indipolage mentioned that the train on the northern route will run from Colombo to Mahava and from Anuradhapura to Kankasantaraya, He Ferther to said that this section was closed for urgent maintenance of the track

In addition to this, the Batticaloa railway line is also planned to be renewed this year, says Transport Minister Bandula Gunawardena. The Minister, who joined a press conference held in Batticaloa area, also stated that he has planned to start a train service from Batticaloa to Jaffna.

Kaweesha Vidanagamage